Your first article on Elysium Magazine

Storipress - Your first article

  1. After you login into the platform, you are presented with a kanban style dashboard and see the menu of the so-called Desks, or categories.
  2. You have the option to go through an Onboarding process - to get to know the platform and its possibilities (this Onboarding step can be skipped and viewed later when you decide). We recommend that you follow the process to acquaint yourself with the platform.
  3. Let’s go through the Onboarding process together, with some screens for the steps as follows:

Step 1: Create a new story / New story - you choose the + icon New story.

Step 2: Add a headline (This is the title of your article) and choose the button Next.

* A subheading is optional, but it is always a good idea to have one for SEO.

Step 3: Select a desk: Usually you will have access to only one category - the one you will write articles about. You will see one of the Art & Culture, Business, Cuisine, etc.

Some authors may have access to multiple desks but each article can only be included in one desk.

Step 4: After the category, choose the New story button.

A new page is loaded for creating the article. The page looks like this:

You have the following options:

  • Uploading title photo for the article:
    • You can upload a file from your computer / our library;
    • Or You can choose a free image from Unsplash;
  • You can change or save the same article title you set in the previous step;
  • Start writing the article or copy and paste here your article text if you wrote it in advance on some other file;

To start adding the text of your article, choose the + icon to open all the options you see in the image below. You can scroll the options and choose one of the following:

  • Add a Normal text or Title (H1, H2, etc.);
  • Adding a list with bullet points;
  • Add an image (the same process as adding the title image);
  • Insert a divider between the different text parts;
  • Add/Insert a quote, etc.

Important to know about the images in the article:

When you add an image to the article, you should take into account the following:

  • Be sure to choose an image which is as close to the Elysium magazine style, as possible. Conceptual photography - vivid colours, an interesting element on focus, etc.
  • You can use the photos in our library;
  • When you add an image and hold on it with the mouse, you have the options for deleting and adding ALT text.

ALT text will be filled by default if you uploaded the image from Unsplash. The text is a detailed description used for a SEO optimisation and to allow people with accessibility needs to understand what is on the image (special programs help them and “read” the text from the articles, included the descriptive text of the image in order to get a full understanding for the article and the photos).

  1. Text formatting, editing

Inserting the text you have various formatting options like inserting link for example. You need to mark the text and you will see the formatting options available:

  1. When you are ready with the article, you can press the button Preview to see how the article will look like on the website when published.
  • In the right corner of the screen you can see Preview icon
  • The other button next to Preview option is Publish button. You shouldn’t press it because this will publish your article and it will go live on the magazine. The article needs to be reviewed before this.

  1. You choose a step backward from the arrow in the left corner of the screen and thus you are directed on the home screen desk with all articles.

Your new article has been autosaved and it is visible in the first column Ideas (Drafts).

  1. You can choose the three dots in the right corner of the card (the card of your article). You will see the options for: Delete, Duplicate, Move to Desk (in case you have access to more than one Category).

At this stage when you know your article is ready, you need to move it in the next column For review. This simply happens via drag&drop.

In For review column your article will be reviewed and if some corrections need to be done, you will kbe informed.

If everything is fine with your article, it will be moved to the next column Reviewed and it will be scheduled for publishing.

In the last column Published are all articles, that are already published on the Elysium magazine.

  1. For a better orientation and if you want to see only your articles and not the articles of other authors, you can go on the left side menu and shoes the My articles filter. This will hide all other articles and you will see only yours.

  1. My profile: when you click on your picture in the right corner when you are on the home screen, you will open your personal settings option and option for Log out (you will see only your name’s initial letters if you didn’t upload a picture yet).

If you log out from the platform, a subsequent login happens with mail and password and choosing Elysium magazine option as shown on the screen.

In My profile menu you have the following options:

  • You can add personal details about yourself
  • Change your password;
  • Add your social links.

  • The option for adding social links to your profile looks like this:

Finally, a short summary of the publishing process at Elysium magazine:

Step 1: You create a new article (+ New article). Adding a headline is enough for your article to be automatically shown in the first column on the desk: Ideas

Step 2: For review - afer you finish, review and make final formatting of your article, with drag&drop you move it to the second column For review.

Step 3: Reviewed - when your article is reviewed and there is no need of further corrections, it should be moved to the third column Reviewed. In this column the article is waiting to be published and you have no more tasks related to it.

Step 4: Published - in the last column are positioned all published articles (these that are already live in our Elysium magazine).

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